• 2004

Company Description

XWiki SAS is an open source platform that provides solutions for all collaboration needs of organizations and services.

XWiki SAS is a French company created in 2004 whose founding members initiated the XWiki Open Source community. The company provides a range of professional services on top of XWiki, the next generation wiki that is both organized and easy to use. The services are targeted primarily to organizations that seek to allow their users to work better together. XWiki SAS joined Gartner's 'Magic Quadrant for Social Software Solutions in the Workplace' in 2010 and has also received an award at the last Demo Cup (Open World Forum). Today XWiki has over 100 customer references (EMC, EDF, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Meetic, Vente privée, FIDELIA Assistance, Air France...) and thousands of business users in France and worldwide.