• 2008 June 09

Company Description

Localized Personal Content Distributor

Yaika.com is the first localized all-in-one social lifecasting platform in Europe. Their aim is to increase the number of people willing to share their real life moments and experiences with their local community or the entire world. Yaika! has integrated video and radio broadcasting, blogging, social community and a new way communicate into one easy platform. Their users and authors can now stream live video or radio to anyone in the world and interact with their watchers or listeners in a new manner. Yaika! also creates a new way to blog. Every channel created on Yaika! works like a blog. This gives an opportunity to anyone with a laptop or a PC and a camera to instantly stream a breaking story or just anything happening around you live on the Internet without having to go through the process of writing it up first. However, authors still have the options to do so if they wish.