2012 July 10
Company Description
Online sharing space for sports gear
YourGear is an online sharing space for all kinds of sports equipment you have, you need or don’t. Whether you have a snowboard, a bike or other sports gear, and you do not use it 24/7, do you? Share it with your friends or neighbors in just 3 clicks. Do it for free or make a handsome profit! Would you like to learn skiing or have an occasional bike ride? Explore the stuff you need from your friends or in your neighborhood and get the item you need for free or for a reasonable fee. In 3 minutes. No hassle. Our goal is to make the sport more affordable and accessible in the first place. At YourGear, we believe that people should do sports, spend less and share more. We kicked off at Garage 48 (garage48.org) and have relentlessly pursued an even better user experience since then. Gear up!
Internet -
July 10, 2012 -
Anton Stetsenko -
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- Anton Stetsenko
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