2009 June 05
Company Description
Zenticket is a provider of online ticketing solutions for event organizers.
Since 2004, ZenTicket is a solution of 100% online ticketing for the organizers of all types of events that has continued to develop and improve. Initially a project with a concert hall, the solution known through the years improvements to meet a real demand from other event organizers. Innovative, efficient, solution ZenTicket became in 2009, in addition to a proven, an SAS claiming primarily the collaborative mode to listen to any customer demand. Each customer has a say about the construction of the solution and is regularly asked to make proposals. Acclaimed by the end buyers for its ease of use, the solution also enables a single customer account, the purchase of tickets on the ticket many event organizers.
Media and Entertainment -
June 5, 2009 -
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7 rue mignetAix-en-provenceFrance -
- Christophe Mannino
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