Hardware Description
Due to the differences in technology, K7 and K8 platforms adapt different design architecture and they are supported by different chipsets. ASRock Inc, the leading price-performance motherboard maker, breaks this architecture barrier between K7 and K8 platforms to present the first K8 upgradeable K7 platform in the world - ASRock K7Upgrade-880. Based on the innovative "Upgrade on demand" concept and industry-leading layout design technique, ASRock K7Upgrade-880 motherboard features the Flexible'n'Easy CPU socket upgrade interface - "K8 Bridge Port". This port provides a bridge with the world's leading capability to upgrade SocketA (462) to Socket754 through ASRock 754Bridge upgrade module. The innovative K7Upgrade-880 motherboard provides not only a marvelous Flexible'n'Easy upgrade capability from K7 to K8 architecture but also a cost-effective future upgrade capability not found on other boards.
Model Number:
K7Upgrade-880 -
Hardware Type:
Manufacture Year:
2004 -
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