• 1967

Hardware Description

The 920 series of computers was developed at Elliotts Borehamwood Computing Division in the 1960’s and was derived from the successful 901 commercial computer which was miniaturised for airborne use. One of the primary production derivatives was the MCS 920M which was used in the Jaguar Navigation and Weapon Aiming Sub-System NAVWASS This system comprised the MCS920M central digital computer, E3R inertial platform, projected map display and horizontal situation indicator together with the necessary power supply, electronic, interface and control units. The MCS 920M is a microminiature general purpose digital computer operating in the parallel mode. It has a random access, 8192 word, 18 bit store with a 2microsecond cycle time. In addition to performing navigation and weapon aiming calculators, the computer caters for in-flight monitoring, initial alignment and in situ first line system testing. The Computer also had an Interface Unit which enables the digital computer to receive and transmit information from and to other units in the aircraft in compatible signal form. The Interface Unit also supplied the power for the computer and Navigation Control Unit.