• 1962

Hardware Description

This machine was announced in February 1962 as a product to meet the needs of users of the NEAC-2203 who wished to upgrade their obsolescent machines while retaining program assets. The NEC-2230 inherited the instruction codes of the NEAC-2203 while using, to the greatest extent possible, features developed for the NEAC-2206 (the successor of the NEAC-2203) -- such as core memory, multi-programming, electronic peripheral equipment and online capabilities. It had an internal memory capacity of 2,400 words, an access time of 5 microseconds, and up to three magnetic drums (10,000 words) could be directly connected as auxiliary memory. Arithmetic speed was 100 microseconds for addition/subtraction, 3,000 microseconds for multiplication and 5,900 microseconds for division. This machine was exhibited together with the NEAC-2206 at the first Japanese-made electronic computer show in November 1962.