• 1997

Hardware Description

Nokia introduced a small, integrated wireless pay phone for Global System for Mobile communications networks in the United States. The Nokia pay phone allows public pay phone installation in new applications like taxis and limousines and offers flexibility in temporary fixed installations, said the company. Nokia said the phone provides a standard interface, large graphical display, hands-free functionality and modern design. Payment methods include ISO 7816 standard smart card technologies and electronic purse. Nokia said the wireless pay phones can be operated either stand-alone or by using the company’s wireless pay phone management system, a software system that supports the maintenance and operation of Nokia wireless pay phones. In addition to providing statistical information on usage and the contribution of each pay phone, the terminals can be controlled or monitored to prevent fraudulent use. Nokia said it has delivered wireless pay phones to more than 20 customers worldwide for commercial and test use. Recently, the company announced the delivery of GSM 900 and Digital Communications System 1800 wireless pay phones to Thailand and South Africa.