• 1975

Hardware Description

The Tele-Games Pong IV (99717) is an Atari console licensed to Sears. It is the same as the Atari Pong Doubles (C-160). Among Atari's lineup of dedicated game consoles of the '70s dwells something of a missing link: Pong Doubles, model C-160. This was essentially the standard Pong unit but with jacks to connect external handheld paddle controllers, allowing up to four players to play Pong instead of only two. As with all the Atari Pong units, there was also a Sears Tele-Games version: Pong IV, model 99717 (Not to be confused with Super Pong IV). However, although a few boxes have turned up (some of these were repurposed to package Super Pong Ten systems), no actual Pong Doubles console has ever surfaced. Unlike the Pong Doubles, the Pong IV, while still incredibly rare (Current similarly indicates it never shipped), is not a completely unknown quantity.