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Dr. John Impagliazzo is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Hofstra University in New York. Impagliazzo has supported educational computing activities for decades. His accomplishments include contributing to model computing and engineering curricula, publishing eighteen books, supporting accreditation in computing and engineering, encouraging diversity in computing, and developing a history of computing. In addition, his professional services have enhanced engineering and computer science education through consultation, accreditation, curricula development, conference leadership, and mentoring colleagues. Dr. Impagliazzo chaired the computer engineering steering committee that produced the ACM/IEEE 2016 Computer Engineering Curriculum Report (CE2016) that replaced CE2004, for which he served as principal author and editor. In addition, he was an active participant in the task force that produced the ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 2005 Report (CC2005), also known as the “Overview Report.” Furthermore, he was a member and principal author of the ACM/IEEE task group that produced the new information technology curricular guidelines, IT2017. He was also a principal co-author in the multi-society, multi-national computing project that created the ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula Report 2020 (CC2020), which promotes a transformation to competency-based education. Impagliazzo served as the founding editor-in-chief of the computing education magazine ACM Inroads, and he served as the editor-in-chief of the SIGCSE Bulletin (a publication of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education), positions he held continuously from 1997 to 2016. He was also an associate editor of the five-volume Wiley Encyclopedia on Computer Science and Engineering, published in 2009. Furthermore, he was a member of the IEEE History Committee for eight years, serving as treasurer and chairing its strategic planning and finance subcommittees. In addition, he participated in a special IEEE committee to review the IEEE History Center and its virtual museum. Finally, Impagliazzo was a member of the Board of Directors of the IEEE Foundation, serving on various committees and related projects. Impagliazzo has also championed diversity in computing education. For example, in June of 2002, he developed a special issue of the SIGCSE Bulletin on “Women and Computing.” Impagliazzo helped to generate sufficient funds for this effort, which enabled the distribution of more than 24,000 paper copies of the issue worldwide. Three years later, in cooperation with ACM, IEEE, and the IEEE Computer Society, he developed a special CD called Pathways: Women and Computing, including a compendium of articles appearing in various respected international publications. Impagliazzo chaired the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 9.7 on the History of Computing from 2001 to 2007. In addition, he edited or co-edited conference proceedings from various conferences on the history of computing education and the history of Nordic computing, resulting in six books published by Springer. Another publication was Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing, also published by Springer. This book contains writings of many computing and engineering pioneers from the Former Soviet Union. Its importance comes from these pioneers working under a shroud of secrecy where little communication existed between them. Impagliazzo generated significant funding to support Soviet computing pioneers and academicians in attending a weeklong conference he organized on “Soviet and Russian Computing” (SoRuCom) in Petrozavodsk, Russia. Because of the event, many of these pioneers could finally speak openly about the work they once did. For four decades, Impagliazzo has served the computing and engineering professions. He participated actively in two-year college issues and chaired the ACM Two-Year College Committee from 1988 to 1991. In addition, he helped generate funds to develop and publish five curricular reports for associate-degree programs. He was the principal author of the Computing and Engineering Technology Report. Impagliazzo organized the conference on the Legacy of John von Neumann in 1988; among the high-profile speakers were Nobel Laureates and members of global science academies. He also chaired the 1996 ACM SIGCSE Symposium; highlights of the event included the symbolic restarting of the ENIAC computer for its 50th anniversary and the first chess match between world champion Garry Kasparov and IBM’s Deep Blue computer. In 2010, he co-chaired the Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE) conference in Ankara, Turkey, and organized a special ACM workshop in Doha, Qatar. While in Qatar, he helped develop the Qatar Assistive Technology Center, also known as the Mada Center. From 1991 to 2003, Impagliazzo chaired the ACM Accreditation Committee. This committee recruited and selected hundreds of program evaluators for the former Computer Science Accreditation Commission (CSAC) and, later, ABET's Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC). John continues to serve as an ABET program evaluator for engineering and computing programs. Additionally, he was an ABET/CSAC trainer for program evaluator candidates for three years. As a team chair or program evaluator for various accrediting agencies or an expert consultant in computing and engineering for thirty-five years, Impagliazzo has evaluated more than a hundred computing and engineering programs worldwide. Dr. Impagliazzo served as a member or participant of the ACM Education Board and the ACM Education Council for three decades. Impagliazzo is a Fellow of IEEE, a Life Member of IEEE, a Distinguished Educator of ACM, and a Fellow of CSAB. Dated: 2023 December 31
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    Noted IT historian, author, and professor of the computing sciences
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