- unknown (b.)
An HCI researcher at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, New York, her long standing research focus has been in supporting technology users with physical, sensory or cognitive impairments. She has been working with people with disabilities since 1989 Her Ph.D. research at the University of Edinburgh was focused on keyboard and mouse use by people with motor impairments. She began working at IBM Research in 2000 and continued her accessibility research where she developed a tool for keyboard configuration that individuals and occupational therapists could download for free. As part of the Accessibility Research Group, she has looked at accessibility in virtual worlds (PowerUp), Web browsing (Web Adaptation Technology and accessibilityWorks), physical control of technology (Steady Clicks, Keyboard Optimizer and Dynamic Keyboard), preferences, and personalization. She is collaborating with researchers at the University of Dundee, Scotland, and the University of Miami in an examination of the technology requirements of older workers, making the Web more accessible for them. She contributed accessibility features to an IBM virtual worlds game that made it possible for people with visual, physical and reading impairments to play the game with their peers. Her work has been used by non-profit organizations all over the world, and really had an impact on people's ability to use the Web. She recently joined the Software Productivity Group where she hopes to blend her interests in users with her background in artificial intelligence and parallel programming into something useful, focusing on tools to help designers and developers build usability into their software. Among the numerous publications she has authored or co-authored, her most recent are: "Extending Predictive Models of Exploratory Behavior to Broader Populations, with J. Richards, R. Bellamy, B. John, and C. Swart, D. Sloan, Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and eInclusion, Springer, 2011; "Self-selection of accessibility options", with N. Santhanam, C. Swart, and P. Santhanam, The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility, 2011; "Dynamic accessibility: accommodating differences in ability and situation", with A. Hurst, K. Gajos, L. Findlater, J. Wobbrock, and A. Sears, Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems; and "Planning an accessible conference", ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, ACM, 2011.
Female -
Noted For:
Developer of a tool for keyboard configuration that can be downloaded for use by individuals with motor impairments; also a collaborator in an examination of the technology requirements of older workers, making the Web more accessible for them -
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