• 1916
    (b.) -


She graduated from Wisconsin State College in 1940 and joined the U.S. Naval Reserve in 1943 and was stationed at the Naval Research Station in Washington. She continued to work there as an electronics engineer in radar after her discharge in 1946; and in 1951, she joined the National Bureau of Standards as a member of the technical staff of the Electronic Computer Laboratory. Later, she joined the Research Information Center and Advisory Service on Information Processing (RICASIP) where she was involved in producing reviews and bibliographies. She was Chief of the Office of Computer Information in the NBS Institute for Computer Science and Technology from 1966 to 1975. Professional groups in which she was involved were the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); and her involvement in the National Joint Computer Committee led to her work in the American Federation for Information Processing Societies (AFIPS) where she was AFIPS? first secretary. AFIPS played a role in the International Information Processing Conference in Paris in 1959.