United Kingdom
National Health Service
Job Title:
Database Management
I have been associated with the field of computer science for over thirty years. In 1977 I came across work carried out by the Stanford University professor Donald Knuth on combining the factorial properties of the natural logarithm e.; and computer memory and font creation software. Knuth produced the TeX description language used to define vector fonts in typesetting systems and the working of computer memory centered at that time on the processing speed of the mainframe IBM 4381. I introduced the German style, wrong font Drucktechnik fearon symbol used in typesetting and in modern computer font definition typefaces. Using the complexity of Orientated objects such Ø as in building relations between symbols such as ℓ to ƶ;(my Lettering) as non-truth functional connectives in work on C, LISP, Assembler, to variable based programmable computer languages and grammatical issues in other programming languages, and machine codes; I combined my knowledge of logic the use of syntax and semiotics, symbols, names, predicates and their meanings; and the multiple relation theories of judgement required in their interpretation to amend the variable set in programmable computer languages. I also constructed methods where symbolised verbs could be given standard orthographical representation on paper and spatial representation in program design and vice versa as even difficult to comprehend sentences incorporating symbolic logic could be well formed formulas if they contained a truth conditional. Or nonsense elsewise. A new description language Metafont was produced by Donald Knuth in 1983, similar to that of TeX, where the number asymptotically approaches e with each revision with my amendments included. The work I undertook led to the development of the Well Formed Formula and the Iff conditional used in Artificial Intelligence programming.