• 2014

Company Description

ALTO tells you if your friends are nearby

ALTO is a social discovery app that the notifies you when your close friends (matched on the phone book contacts) are nearby. The app has 3 main features: • You can see all your friends currently at walking distance from you • Your exact location will never be shared with other users. What really matters is if you are close enough that it’d be convenient to meet up. • On ALTO you will only see people that really matter to you as it is based on your phone-book contacts

  • Manufacturer:

    Data and Analytics
  • Formed:

  • Founders:

    Filip Jakubowski-Drzewiecki
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

  • CEO:

    • Filip Jakubowski-Drzewiecki
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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