• 1964

Hardware Description

The advent of ultra-high-speed digital computing circuit techniques, made possible by the introduction of solid-state components and the development of appropriate design methods, has resulted in a new conception of electronic digital computers to all forms of data processing. In those areas of application where considerable experience has already been accumulated, that is, in scientific and business general purpose data-procesing, the vast increase in computer operating speeds which are now attainable has given rise to the development of a series of new techniques for making better use of computer time. Improved organisation of programmes within the machine allows the computer activity to be time shared between a number of programmes operating concurrently, any[and] many sophisticated aids to the preparation of programmes can now be used. The application of ultra-high-speed techniques to systems in which the time allowed for computing is the real time duration of the related event has the effect of making a spectacular increase in the range of systems to which automatic on-line data processing can now be introduced. This booklet describes the Elliott 502 On-line Data Processer, a machine of great speed and flexibility, in which the facilities for efficient time sharing between programmes of different priority have been designed especially for use in complex control systems and organisations where necessity replaces desirability in dictating the requirements for real time operation.