2013 February 01
Company Description
Wi Da People has a vision to provide a resource for the American people.
Wi Da People has a vision to provide a resource for the American people. The online free membership web site will be supported from funds generated by advertizers on this website. By providing a forum were members can rate a elected officials job performance will intice a large membership base. Not only can they rate that officails job performance overall, we will break it down to G.A.M.E. (Governmenting, Accountiablity, Morals, Ethics.) so a member can vote each part of the officials duties. In order to grow that membership base and awareness of the sites mission, we will invite politicial action groups to create a webpage. This will be a key step in delevoping our mission to motiate Americans to drive real possitve and productive results on capitial hill. This will request that groups with differing points of view meet and find steps or action that both can agree on and act on those point. Pro life and Pro choice very different points of view. However, both would agree that women should have free counseling available at request. VOTE Voice Of The Empowered. this is where good Americans share ideas on a forum. Then fellow American can rate that idea. top ideas go to that elected leader for action. And the action will be tracted. EDUCATE, EMPOWER AND ENTERAIN. This website will be available to all teacher across the nation free of charge. Education is so very vital to the success of this site. Empowerment here people will find answers to issues they are having in their commuinty and ways to address those issues. Entertainment all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. We will provide the top twenty five free game and website to play online.
Media and Entertainment -
February 1, 2013 -
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Company Address:
13 Barley CourtFort Mitchell, ALUnited States -
- Travis Bristol
We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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