• 2007

Company Description

Vsource is a platform that helps connect recruiters with talent looking for jobs.

Using smart technology and human intuition to scale leads and expanding your team. In talent acquisition time is of the essence. Senior recruiters engage in a competitive community where focus on making contact and locking placements in is diverted to time spent examining large pools of recycled candidates, incomplete or outdated profiles, and searching skill sets on job boards and social media. vsource enables you to remain in complete control of candidate qualifications and to prioritize live and future positions without having to do the legwork of research and data gathering. Our sourcing specialists operate smart technology for content extraction, resume parsing and advanced boolean logic to provide a pipeline of candidates tailored to your qualifications. Your recruiters can maximize their time each morning with a running start by initiating calls, assessing mapping intel, and ranking lists of candidates that were built overnight by vsource. Our unique solutions are unmatched as we merge science and human intuition to scale your recruiting operations and build your knowledge of your talent pool. We provide the tools and support for you to grow your team organically from the ground up based on your needs.