• 2014 August 29

Company Description

WakeUpData is a simple cloud based application.

WakeupData is an online data integration platform. It is cloud based, so that our customers enjoy a continuous, safe and secure service. It offers a user-friendly interface to online stores for transferring their correct and up-to-date data to countless platforms for maintaining inventories, transferring invoices, using 3rd party tools and marketing purposes. Created by Web2Media – a Denmark based company – and Dennis Cassøe, the former CTO of wupti.com – one of the largest e-sellers in Scandinavia -, we grant our costumers the most amazing tools within its price range. WakeupData aims to be the sole platform that offers maximum integrations for the best value by providing you with the technology to fetch, map, save or re-structure your data, and export it to hundreds of services such as Google PLA, Kelkoo, and PriceRunner with no custom coding requirements. By simply managing your data with WakeupData, you could increase your total awareness and nearly triple the amount of products on sale. Additionally, by integrating your data better, you could boost your conversion rates, exponentially.