2013 April 24
Company Description
16Lab Inc. engages in the design, development and marketing of wearable computing devices.
16Lab is the developer of OZON (pronounced, ōzōn), a personal computing ring-device. OZON is worn as a ring and, through gestures, controls PCs, smartphones, tablets, cameras, televisions, lighting fixtures, and potential for several other electrical appliances. In addition, OZON functions as a contactless key for entry into and locking homes and offices and, potentially, an electric-wallet for payment transactions on the go. 16Lab has developed OZON with an emphasis on featuring “useful functionality and superior reliability” as a computing device. In order to ensure ultra-safe security, user-friendliness, and reliability inside a compact device, 16Lab has garnered the best minds in engineering, manufacturing, and design from around the world to establish a successful platform based on open innovation conducive to developing this device. 16Lab is a recipient of the Japanese government’s subsidy program called the NEDO R&D Venture Support Program. This supports highly competitive R&D-oriented innovative startups. Moreover, 16Lab was awarded top prizes at the Japan-UK Tech Awards 2015 and at the CEATEC Innovation Awards 2015 (Home Entertainment).
Hardware -
April 24, 2013 -
Ko Kijima -
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JapanKamakura -
- Ko Kijima
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