2011 December 01
Company Description
community-owned community-driven
Zurker is an community-owned and community-driven online social networking service. There are about 30,000 stakeholders, which are the members itself and many more active members, who are using Zurker as their new virtual home, blog or communication platform. There is no advertisement and no datamining. You do not have to search for your privacy settings. This social network just does, what it is named for. Democracy characterises the development process. '[...]Zurker exists for the benefit of the community, as opposed to corporate masters who want to use it to milk the community for money. Zurker is guaranteed to serve the community, because it is owned by the community. 29,300 members have gained a stake in Zurker, and all of these members have a say in how Zurker is run. [...] Zurker guarantees your privacy and freedom of speech. Only Zurker can guarantee that your data is safe. Other social networks are accountable to their investors, who don't care that much about users' privacy, to put it mildly. But at Zurker, the members are the owners, which means they do care about your (and their own) privacy.[...]' -https://pages.zurker.com/about
Internet -
December 1, 2011 -
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