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EAPLS is an association that wants to stimulate research in the area of programming languages and systems. The precise scope of the association has been established as is discussed below. EAPLS aims at making contributions in the following areas:
•Collect and disseminate information related to research that falls in its scope.
•Contribute to the organization of conferences in its scope. It also provides a mechanism for financial support (e.g. guaranteeing reservation fees) or legally carrying funds from one conference to its successor.
•Seek cooperation with related organizations like EATCS, EACSL, ACM SIGPLAN, ERCIM, Formal Methods Europe, EASST, etc.
•Raise funds (from EU, governments, industry) in order to sponsor scientific events.
•Initiate scientific events in new areas.
•Stimulate the exchange of ideas and cooperation between researchers.
•Stimulate the application of research results in industry.
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