Stanford, CA
United States
Stanford University
Rebecca Slayton is a Lecturer in the Science, Technology, and Society Program at Stanford University. Her research in the history of computing examines how the vocational and institutional commitments of computer experts have shaped their intellectual tools and political engagement, focusing on would-be software engineers. More broadly, her research examines scientific advising and protest about weapons policy. Currently she is writing a book which examines how scientific advisors have treated computational aspects of command and control for missile defense, and how that treatment has changed with the rise of a "scientific" discourse around software engineering. She is author of "Speaking as Scientists: Computer Professionals in the Star Wars Debate.” (History and Technology, Winter 2004, 19(4) 335-364), and has presented work on the history of software engineering at academic conferences such as SHOT and 4S, and at several security studies centers. She is also applying concepts from the historiography of technology to contemporary discourse about information technology for counter-terrorism, and has presented this work at multiple conferences.