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2011 Sep 7: Seagate ships world's first 4 TB HDD (external, with 5 platters), while Hitachi ships the first 1 TB/platter HDDs. Mar 8: Samsung is showing off 3.5-inch HDDs with 1 TB per platter at CeBit. The high density process enables 2-platter, 2 TB drives, as well as future 4 TB drives with 4 platters. In addition, Samsung will use the process to bring out a 2.5-inch x 9.5-mm 1 TB laptop drive--the first 1 TB 9.5-mm thick laptop drive. Since Seagate claims 444 - 488 Gb/ on its 5-platter, 3 TB drives, presumably this means Samsung is up to 740 - 810 Gb/ (Effective 2.5-in platter area is ~5; 3.5-in platter area is 10-12
United States
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