Description of Resource: 
This unique computer curriculum offers 3 different environments of graduated complexity: a programmable RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator, an Intel 8051 microprocessor that is programmed using assembly language, and finally the high-level C and C++ languages. Each of these 3 languages comes complete with an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides an editor, compiler, and debugger. You get fully explained solutions to fun programming projects such as a scrolling electronic signboard, a robotic mouse in a maze, an audio peak detector using an LED bar graph, and the Breakout video game. All of these example programs have been designed to be highly visual, audible, and fun. In addition to the introduction to assembly language programming and the introduction to C and C++, this curriculum offers an introduction to Windows programming and graphical user interfaces. You can find screen shots and further description of each of these programs on the Catalog page. How did I choose to teach assembly, C, and C++? These 3 languages are used in 89 % of the embedded devices (i.e., laser printers, camcorders, MP3 players, etc.) in your home and car. In contrast, Java is employed in only 3 % of embedded devices due to its poor performance. This curriculum has been used and praised by degreed engineers who are already working in industry. It is also being used in universities, high schools, charter schools, and home schools (minimal computer savvy is required on the part of the homeschool parents!). A magazine that reviews educational software for children asked a computer systems administrator to evaluate the software and he concluded it was "brilliantly" done. Another review appeared in Jack Ganssle's column for the Nov 2005 issue of the Embedded Systems Design journal, a magazine for engineering professionals. In short, he loved it but you can read the full review for yourself here.
United States
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