Description of Resource:
The Core Memory Projecrt's website provides links to : 1) a discussion of various National Cash Register (NCR) computers between 1976 to 1979, 2) a gallery of images of computers from 1953 to 1999, an NCR 390 Computer Simulator, an NCR 390 Computer, electronic boards, osciolloscopes, 353-3 CRAM (Card Random Access Memory, "the first massive storage device") of NCR computers, coding forms/programming worksheets, flow charting tools, the 1968 launching of the Century Series of computers, a 1969 NCR Open House, mid-twentieth century advertisements and posters, photographs, postcards, shares, bonds and certificates, 3) a history of the NCR Century and Critierion series of computers, 4) a history of NCRY Servers and PCs, 5) an NCR History Timeline, 6) the "NCR Mosaics" links provides histories of the 0-4-0 Fireless Cooker, Enigma, NCR war production, NCRY RAM Chip, NCR's 6 core memory computer, the NCR Pipe Band, the Century Point Club, the NCR Schoolhouse and Organ, images of NCR test notes,and a poem about NCR written in 1920, 7) an archive of NCR primary source documents, testimonies, videos, images, and software and hardware manuals
United States
Contact name:
Aleksandrs Guba
Website Url:
Is there a fee:
The site administrator describes the website with these words: "[a]s far as I know, this is the first site on the Net, ever created, which is dedicated to the NCR computers of the 20th Century.... This is not an official site, and is not created or endorsed by the NCR. Most of the information on this site is based on the memories of the author and represents my personal recollections and opinions" (excerpted from The Core Memory Project website).
Public or private:
Website or physical archive:
Website only