Description of Resource: 
The website's homepage provides access to an index of the site's computing history texts. Users may access primary source images and information on: 1) Early History (computing), the '"Thinking' Computer," 2) the "First Stored Program Computer in Continental Europe," 3) the life and achievments of pioneer/founder of information technologies Victor Glushkov, which gives a history "From the Cybernetics to Information Technology," (the website's other biographical histories are also information technoloy histories) 4) a biography of "Sergei Lebedev - creator of the first stored program computer in continental Europe," 5) the history of the Severodonetsk Center of Industrial Systems Engineering, 6) the history of "Pioneers of on-Board Radio-Electronic System Computerization," 7) the history of "Computers for Testing Rockets," 8) a biography of "Katerina Yushchenko...the founder of theoretical programming in the Ukraine.... 9) The first steps in Microelectronics Discovery of p-n transiton in Semiconductors by Academician Vadim Lashkarev.... 10) "Microelectronics technology. Past and Future," 11) a biographical history of "Nikolay Amosov, Founder of Biocybernetical Information Technologies.... 12) Izrael Akushsky - the Founder of non-traditional Computer Arithmetics.... 13) Nikolay Brusentsov - the Creator of the Trinary Computer .... 14) Mikhail Kartsev - Developer of Super-Computers for Space Observation....[the] 15) The Leaderof computer indusry in Ukraine, 16) a gallery of images beginning in 1849 with "The Forgotten 'Thinking' Machine...," 16) a list of "books about history of computer science and technology in the former USSR," 17) a list of "Computer Pioneer Award Recipients" (1981 to 2008), 18) a discussion of the virtual European Museum itself and its creators, 19) information about "Malinovskiy B.N. The series of [the] author's television broadcasts: 'Golden milestones in the history of computer science and technology' September 2000 - August 2001," 20) a discussion of "Computer history abroad," and 21) a "Chronology of Computer Science and Technology Development in [the] Ukraine" (quotes excerpted from the European Museum's website).
Contact name: 
Vera Bigdan *or* Tamara Malashok
Is there a fee: 
European Museum on Computer Science and Technology 's website is an informational resource only. Although the website is referred to as a "European Museum," the website focuses on the Ukraine's Computer, Science, and Technological History. Users can view the website in Ukrainian, Russian, or English and alternative websites with a faster internet connection. "The European virtual computer museum represents a network of interconnected virtual computer museums. Its Ukrainian part - 'History of development of information technologies in Ukraine' ( is developed and maintained on a voluntary basis by employees of the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine named after Viktor M.Glushkov."
Public or private: 
Website or physical archive: 
Website only