Description of Resource: 
Introduction: What's a "Great CPU"? This list is not intended to be an exhaustive compilation of microprocessors, but rather a description of designs that are either unique (such as the RCA 1802, Acorn ARM, or INMOS Transputer), or representative designs typical of the period (such as the 6502 or 8080, 68000, and R2000). Not necessarily the first of their kind, or the best. A microprocessor generally means a CPU on a single silicon chip, but exceptions have been made (and are documented) when the CPU includes particularly interesting design ideas, and is generally the result of the microprocessor design philosophy. However, towards the more modern designs, design from other fields overlap, and this criterion becomes rather fuzzy. In addition, parts that used to be separate (FPU, MMU) are now usually considered part of the CPU design.
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