Description of Resource: 
1972 The KDF9 computer is retired from service and replaced by an ICL 1906A installed in a new specially-designed building in Elms Road. The Service Division of the Computer Centre was greatly expanded in size and moved into the new building, while the Academic Division (responsible for all computer science teaching and research) remained in the Aston-Webb Building and adjacent "temporary" huts. This physical separation of the Academic and Service Divisions of the Computer Centre led inevitably to a sharper separation in their roles. The Academic Division began to function more and more as any other academic department in the Faculty of Science and Engineering (and the University moved gradually to funding it in this way also). However, computer science teaching and research was still totally dependent upon the Service Division for all computing facilities (in 1972 the Academic Division had no computing equipment of its own).
United States
Is there a fee: 
Public or private: 
Website or physical archive: 
Website only