- Unilever Food Solutions
- Unilever Ventures
- Unilodgers
- Unilog
- Unilogik Systems Inc
- Unima
- Unimall
- Unimatrix
- Unimax
- Unimec
- UniMed Direct
- Unimed Massager
- Unimedisys
- Unimento
- Unimersiv
- Unimitated
- Unimo
- Unimobile
- Uninga
- Uninor (now Telenor)
- UniNotes
- UniNow
- Uninstallio
- Uninterrupted
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies
- Unio
- Union Banc
- Union Bank
- Union Bank & Trust
- Union Bank of India
- Union Bank of Nigeria
- Union Bankshares
- Union Bay Networks
- Union Bay Partners
- Union Biometrica
- Union Capital Boston
- Union Cast Network Technology
- Union Code
- Union Community Bancorp
- Union Community Co
- Union Derivan
- Union Engineering a/s
- Union First Market Bank
- Union Grove Venture Partners
- Union Hall
- Union Hill Group
- Union Insurance
- Union Investor Relations LLC
- Union Island
- Union Leader
- Union Media Israel
- Union Metrics
- Union Mobile Pay
- Union Optech
- Union Pacific
- Union Planters Bank
- Union Pool
- Union Radio
- Union Realtime LLC
- Union Spring Pharmaceuticals
- Union Square Media
- Union Square Software
- Union Square Ventures
- Union Station
- Union Street Media
- Union Street Technologies
- Union Telephone Company
- Union Trust
- Union-Street
- UnionBanCal
- UnionBank of the Philippines
- Unioncy
- UnionPay International
- Unipagos
- UniPay
- Uniphore
- Uniphore Software Systems Private Limited
- Uniphy Health
- Unipiazza
- Unipier
- UniPitechnology
- UniPixel
- Uniplen Indústria De Polímerosa
- Uniplex
- Unipol Gruppo Finanziario
- Uniport Computers Ltd
- Unipower Battery
- UniPrintnet
- Unipro Education Pvt
- UniPro Systems
- Unipupil
- Uniq Apps
- Uniq Systems
- Uniqbrow
- UniqCode